New / Updated Information 01/29/25
- NACA to NASA - Any model, any scale, related to the evolution of NASA, this can include but is not limited to any historical spacecraft, aircraft, ground vehicles or figures. A NACA entry will be post war and represent a NACA test subject, marked with the NACA logo. These include the X-craft. A NASA entry must have participated in NASA testing, carrying test markings or operated as part of NASA.
- Dawn of the Atomic Age - The focus is on early developmental and later successfully fielded efforts of atomic energy during the period 1945 -1960 either for military or peaceful purposes:
- The initial nuclear vessels by the US/USSR including civilian vessels
- Nuclear weapons delivery capability aircraft - a weapon must be displayed
- A tactical or strategic missile designed for nuclear weapons delivery
- Dedicated nuclear weapons delivery artillery- i.e. The Atomic Canon
- A figure/bust of a notable figure in the atomic age – e.g. Oppenheimer or Rickover
- Iconic Innovations - Models illustrating successful technology which lead to lasting revolutionary developments in transportation. The focus is on the prototype or early fielded variant.
- Ships – e.g. The Clermont, USS Monitor, the Holland, HMS Dreadnaught, USS Langley
- Space – e.g. Goddard’s rocket, the V-2, Sputnik, Soyuz, Mercury Redstone, Apollo Lunar Lander
- Aircraft – e.g. Wright Flyer, Me-262, Bell X-1, early Boeing 707
- Armor – early WWI tanks
- Automobile – e.g. Benz Patent Motorcar, Hildebrand & Wolfmüller
motorcycle, Indian, Oldsmobile, Model T
- 250 Years - US Navy & Marine Corps - In honor of the Semi-quincentennial of the Navy-Marine Corps Team. Eligible models include any ship, aircraft, vehicle,
craft or figure which served in the USN/USMC from the age of sail to today. It does not include fictional subjects.
New / Updated Information