Download the 2025 National Contest Categories PDF below.
Updated February 12, 2025
An HTML version of the National Contest Categories is provided as a courtesy - there may be formatting or other differences with the official PDF. The official PDF is the final word on all rules.
General Information
- Specific scale for each Class are listed at the start of each Class. Unless otherwise stated, each Category includes model subjects of all eras, types, subjects, and scales.
Split Categories
- Categories may be split into two or more sub-categories. The use and naming of splits will be based on entries and determined by the National Contest Committee. Named splits are listed below. All other splits are defined at the contest. The estimated number of splits per Class are listed below.
Awards Packages
- The total award packages (1st, 2nd, and 3rd) will not exceed the sum of the named categories, the estimated split counts listed, plus 17 additional splits.
- For 2025, a maximum of 225 award packages may be presented. This count is exclusive of any additional overall and theme awards.
- This comprises 208 named categories and 17 additional splits, to be determined by the Chief Judge and Head Class Judges
0. Juniors
(18 categories and 1 anticipated split)
Pre-Teen includes entrants through 12 years old.
Teen includes entrants 13 through 17 years old.
There are no Out-of-Box categories in the Juniors Class.
- 10 Pre-teen
- 11 Teen
Military Vehicles
- 20 Pre-teen
- 21 Teen
- 30 Pre-teen
- 32 Teen
- 40 Pre-teen
- 41 Teen
- 50 Pre-teen
- 51 Teen
Real Space and Science Fiction
- 60 Pre-teen
- 61 Teen
- 70 Pre-teen
- 71 Teen
- 80 Pre-Teen
- 81 Teen
- 90 Pre-teen
- 91 Teen
I. Aircraft
(53 categories and named splits, plus 3 anticipated additional splits)
1/144 refers to scales 1/99 and smaller.
1/72 refers to scales1/98 to1/60.
1/48 refers to scales 1/59 to 1/40.
1/32 refers to scales 1/39 and larger.
Categories 101 - 140 are for military aircraft only.
Categories 170-189 include any type of aircraft, military or otherwise.
(and others that are predominantly fabric, struts, and rigging)
- 101 Small, 1/72 Scale and smaller
- 102 Large, 1/48
- 103 Large, 1/32
Small Prop, Single Engine Aircraft, including Small Gliders
1/72 scale = not exceeding 8.5” length or wingspan
1/48 scale = not exceeding 13.9” length or wingspan
- 104 1/72 US/Allied Inline, Planned Split 1
- 105 1/72 US/Allied Inline, Planned Split 2
- 106 1/72 US/Allied Radial
- 107 1/72 Axis Inline
- 108 1/72 Axis Radial
- 110 1/72 Out-of-Box, Instructions Required
- 111 1/48 US/Allied Inline
- 112 1/48 US/Allied Radial
- 113 1/48 Axis Inline
- 114 1/48 Axis Radial
- 116 1/48 Out-of-Box, Instructions Required
Medium Prop, Two-Engine Aircraft, including Medium Sized Gliders
1/72 scale = not exceeding 11” length or wingspan
1/48 scale = not exceeding 17” length or wingspan
- 117 1/72
- 118 1/48
Large Prop, Multi-Engine Aircraft, including Large Gliders
1/72 scale = exceeding 11” length or wingspan
1/48 scale = exceeding 17” length or wingspan
- 119 1/72
- 120 1/48
Medium or Large Prop, Multi Engine Aircraft, Out-of Box
Instructions required
1/72 scale = exceeding 11” length or wingspan
1/48 scale = exceeding 17” length or wingspan
- 121 1/72
- 122 1/48
Small Jet
1/72 scale = not exceeding 8.5”length or wingspan
1/48 scale = not exceeding 13.9” length or wingspan
- 123 1/72
- 124 1/72, Out-of-Box, Instructions Required
- 125 1/48
- 126 1/48, Out-of-Box, Instructions Required
Large Jet
1/72 scale = exceeding 8.5”length or wingspan
1/48 scale = exceeding 13.9” length or wingspan
- 127 1/72
- 128 1/72, Out-of-Box, Instructions Required
- 129 1/48
- 130 1/48, Out-of-Box, Instructions Required
1/32 Aircraft
- 131 1/32 Prop-Driven
- 132 1/32 Jet-Powered
- 133 1/32 Prop-Driven or Jet Powered, Out-of-Box, Instructions Required
1/144 Aircraft (1/99 scale or smaller)
- 134 Small (not exceeding 4.25” in length or wingspan
- 135 Large (exceeding 4.25” in length or wingspan)
- 136 Out-of-Box, Instructions Required
Rotary Wing
- 137 1/144 and 1/72
- 138 1/48 and 1/32
- 139 Out-of-Box, Instructions Required
Civil, Sport, Racing, Gliders, and Air Taxis
- 140 1/144 and 1/72
- 141 1/48 and 1/32
- 142 Out-of-Box, Instructions Required
Airliners, Airliner Types, and Airships
- 153 1/144
- 154 1/72, 1/48, and 1/32
- 155 Out-of-Box, Instructions Required
Other Aircraft Types
Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA)
- 160 All entries
Elevated Displays
(non-diorama displays --“Aircraft on a Pole”) (See Specific Class Rule I-F)
- 170 1/144 and 1/72 Scale
- 171 1/48 and 1/32 and larger Scales
- 180 All entries
- 185 All entries
- 189 All entries
Vintage Aircraft Kit
originally molded before December 31, 1980, verification and instructions required
- 190 1/144 Scale and smaller
- 191 1/72 Scale
- 192 1/48 Scale
- 193 1/32 Scale and larger
II. Military Vehicles
(32 categories and named splits, plus 6 anticipated additional splits)
Large Scale refers to 1/34 and larger
1/35 refers to scale 1/35
1/48 refers to scales 1/59 to1/36.
1/72 refers to scales 1/100 to 1/60
For entries with figures but not intended to be dioramas, see Specific Class Rule II-B
1/35 Military Vehicles
(including tanks, assault guns, and self-propelled guns)
- 200 Closed-top AFVs, through Korea, Axis Light and Medium
- 201 Closed-top AFVs, through Korea, Axis Heavy, Panthers and Tigers
- 202 Closed top AFVs, through Korea, Allied, U.S.
- 203 Closed-top AFVs, through Korea, Other than U.S.
- 204 Closed-top AFVs, post-Korea, NATO
- 205 Closed-top AFVs, post-Korea, Warsaw-Pact and Russian
- 206 Closed-top AFVs, post-Korea, U.S.
- 207 Open-top AFVs or AFVs with Interiors, Axis
- 208 Open-top AFVs or AFVs with Interiors, Allied
- 209 Open-top AFVs or AFVs with Interiors, Other
- 210 Armored Cars, Post WW II (refers to after 1945)
- 211 Armored Cars, WWII and Earlier (refers to 1945 and earlier)
- 212 Armored Halftracks
- 213 Soft-skinned Military Vehicles, Jeep Types, All Markings
- 214 Soft Skinned Military Vehicles, All Other Types and Markings
1/48 Military Vehicles
- 215 Tracked, 1/48 Scale U.S.
- 216 Tracked. 1/48 Scale Other than U.S.
- 217 Wheeled
1/72 Military Vehicles
- 218 Tracked, through Korea, Allied
- 219 Fully Tracked, through Korea, Axis
- 220 Fully Tracked, post Korea
- 221 Armored Cars and Armored Halftracks
- 222 Soft-skinned Military Vehicles
Artillery Pieces
(including missiles and railroad guns, but excluding limbers and prime movers)
- 223 Artillery Pieces Through W.W.II (refers to 1945 and earlier)
- 224 Artillery Pieces Post W.W. II (refuses to after 1945)
Conversions and Scratch-Built
(A model that MUST have its silhouette/type SUBSTANTIVELY CHANGED by the MODELER, using SCRATCH-BUILDING SUPPLIES, i.e., sheet plastic, sheet brass, tin, wood, etc.)
- 225 All entries
Kit-Bash Conversions
(A model that MUST have its silhouette SUBSTANTIVELY CHANGED by the MODELER, using ANY PRE-EXISTING KIT PARTS from another model or manufactured conversion parts/pieces designed for such change by the manufacturer, whether or not it is intended for the model it is employed upon.)
- 230 All entries
Multi- or Towed Vehicles
(non-diorama display)
(No more than three vehicles attached to each other; see Specific Class Rule II-C and definition. Examples: any towed Artillery prime-mover/limber and artillery piece; any Tank Transporter/Trailer, with or without a loaded vehicle; any other combination of two vehicles that are attached to each other.)
- 240 All entries
Large Scale
(1/34 or larger)
- 250 Large Scale Military Vehicles, All Entries
Out of Box, Military Vehicle Kit
Instructions required
- 261 1/35 Scale, all types
- 262 1/48 Scale, all types
- 263 1/72 Scale, all types
III. Figures
(18 categories and named splits, plus 1 anticipated additional split)
1/32 and 1/35 figures will compete as 54mm.
Historical, Dismounted and Mounted
- 300 53mm and smaller
Historical, Dismounted
- 305 54mm to 70mm
Historical, Dismounted
- 310 71mm and larger
Historical, Mounted or With Mount
- 315 54mm and larger
Major Conversions and Scratch-Built
- 320 All entries
Fantasy and Science Fiction
- 325 53mm and Smaller, Human
- 326 53mm and Smaller, Non-Human
- 327 54mm to 120mm, Human
- 328 54mm to 120mm, Non-Human
- 329 121mm and larger, Fantasy & Science Fiction
- 330 Historical, Pre-1900, USA
- 331 Historical, Pre-1900, International
- 332 Historical, 1900 to Present, USA
- 333 Historical, 1900 to Present, International
- 334 Fantasy and Science Fiction, Human
- 335 Fantasy and Science Fiction, Non-Human
War Games
- 340 War Game Figure (single)
- 341 War Game Set (5 or more)
IV. Ships
(17 categories and named splits, plus 1 anticipated additional split)
1/700 refers to scales 1/451 and smaller.
1/350 refers to scales 1/450 to 1/101.
1/72 refers to scales 1/100 and larger.
Aircraft Carriers
- 400 1/700
- 401 1/350
Battleships, Battlecruisers, and Cruisers
- 402 1/700
- 403 1/350
Other Surface Ships, smaller than cruiser-sized
Destroyers, Escorts, Corvettes, Commercial, etc. (except 'boats')
- 404 1/700
- 405 1/350
Sail-powered ships and boats
- 407 Plastic based kits
- 408 Wood based kits
Early Steam and Sail
Transition vessels: American Civil War, Spanish-American War, pre-dreadnoughts, etc.
- 410 All entries
- 411 1/700
- 412 1/350 Scale, Submarines, pre-1946
- 413 1/350 Scale, Submarines, 1946 and after
- 414 1/72 scale and larger
Boats, Speedboats, Motor Torpedo Boats, Motor Patrol Boats
- 415 All entries
Naval Technology
(Standalone naval equipment, such as gun turrets, gun and missile mounts, boat davit sets, aircraft catapults, etc.)
- 420 All entries
Conversions and Scratch-Built
(A conversion entry MUST have its silhouette SUBSTANTIVELY CHANGED by the modeler, using either scratch-building materials or parts from another model or manufactured conversion, whether or not it is intended for the model it is employed upon).
- 425 All entries
OOB Ship Kits
Instructions Required
- 430 All entries
V. Automotive
(23 categories and named splits, plus 1 additional anticipated split)
1/32 refers to scales 1/32 and smaller.
1/24 refers to scales 1/31 to 1/20.
1/16 refers to scales 1/19 and larger.
Factory Production
- 500 1/32
- 501 1/24, 1959 and older body
- 502 1/24, 1960 and newer body, U.S. Manufacturer
- 503 1/24, 1960 and newer body, Foreign Manufacturer
Hot Rods, Street Rods, and Street Machines
- 505 Hot Rods and Street Rods - 1948 and older
- 506 Street Machine - 1949 and newer
- 510 All entries
Competition Vehicles
- 515 1/32
- 516 1/24, Drag Racing, Modified Street and Purpose Built
- 517 1/24, Open Wheel
- 518 1/24, Closed Wheel
Large Scale
(except motorcycles)
- 520 1/16
Conversions and Scratch-Built
- 525 All entries
Documented Replicas
- 530 All entries
Commercial Vehicles
(including cargo as part of overall entry)
- 540 Light Commercial
- 541 Heavy Commercial, On-Highway Use
- 542 Heavy Construction and Farm Equipment, Off-Highway
(civilian/racing only)
- 545 All entries
- 550 All entries
Automotive Technology and Culture
- 555 All entries
Out of Box
Instructions required
- 560 Factory Production - Instructions required
- 561 Hot Rods, Street Rods, Street Machines, Customs and Competition, Instructions required
Vintage Automotive Kit
originally molded before December 31, 1980, verification & instructions required
- 570 Vintage Automotive, all entries
VI. Space and Science Fiction Vehicles
(11 categories and named splits, plus 1 additional anticipated splits)
Real Spacecraft, Missiles, and Vehicles
(kits and scratch-built)
- 600 Real Spacecraft, Missiles, and Vehicles
- 601 Hypothetical Design but intended to be used as real spacecraft by NASA, etc.
Science Fiction and Fantasy Subjects
(See Specific Class Rule VI-A)
- 605 Star Trek, Space 1999, and others, from kits
- 606 Star Wars, from kits based on three original episodes 4, 5, and 6
- 607 Star Wars, from kits based on all other episodes, series, etc.
- 608 All Other Vehicles or Vessels, Spacefaring, from books, sources other than TV or movies
- 609 Other Vehicles or Vessels, Non-Spacefaring, Terran, Water, Atmospheric Aircraft, etc.
- 610 Conversions and Scratch-built
instructions required with each entry
- 620 All entries
Vintage Space or Science Fiction Kit
originally molded before December 31, 1980, verification & instructions required
- 630 Vintage Real Space or Hypothetical Design, all entries
- 631 Vintage Science Fiction, all entries
VII. Miscellaneous
(13 categories plus 1 additional anticipated split)
Prehistoric Animals
(Dinosaurs, marine reptiles, flying reptiles, mammals, etc.)
- 700 All entries
Humor in Modeling
- 710 All entries
- 711 Caricatures (Toons, SD, Chibi, Egg-Planes, Weird-ohs, Roth Monsters, etc)
(other than science-fiction)
- 720 Kit-Based (spurious markings on standard kit) TBD
- 721 Kit-Bashed / Scratch-built
(models from three different classes – see Specific Class Rule VII-D
- 730 All entries
(5 or more closely related items – see Specific Class Rule VII-E
- 740 All entries
IPMS Chapter / Group Entry
see Specific Class Rule VII-F
- 750 All entries
Paper Models
(any subject not otherwise covered, except dioramas)
- 760 Paper models, all types and entries
- 765 All entries
Instructions required with each entry
- 770 Hypothetical (other than science-fiction)
- 771 Triathlon (models from three different classes)
- 772 Miscellaneous (any subject not otherwise covered, except dioramas)
VIII. Dioramas
(15 categories and named splits plus 1 additional anticipated split)
- 810 Aircraft Vignette, 1/144 and 1/72
- 811 Aircraft Vignette, 1/48 and 1/32
- 812 Aircraft Diorama
- 821 Military Vehicles 1/49 and smaller
- 822 Military Vehicles 1/48 and Larger, Vignette, Tanks
- 823 Military Vehicles, 1/48 and Larger, Vignette, Other than Tanks
- 824 Military Vehicles 1/48 and Larger, Diorama
- 830 Figure Vignette, 54mm and smaller
- 831 Figure Vignetter, 55mm and larger
- 832 Figure Diorama
- 841 Ships, Vignette
- 842 Ships, Diorama
- 851 Automotive, all entries
- 861 Space and Science Fiction Vehicles, All entries
- 871 Miscellaneous, all entries
IX. Gunpla
(8 categories plus 1 additional anticipated split)
Bandai Model Kits
- 901 Gunpla, Scale 1:144, Unpainted Entries
- 902 Gunpla, Scale 1:144, Painted/Customized Entries
- 903 Gunpla, Scale 1:100, Unpainted Entries
- 904 Gunpla, Scale 1:100, Painted/Customized Entries
- 905 Gunpla, Scale 1:60, All Entries
- 906 Maschinen Krieger, All Entries
- 907 Mecha Non-Gundam, less than 8 inches tall, All Entries
- 908 Mecha Non-Gundam, 8 inches or taller, All Entries
Additional IPMS/USA Contest Awards
Best of Class Awards
Will be given in each of the eight Classes and are listed below. The awards are selected from the first-place winners in the categories within each Class.
- Tom Kolk Best Junior Model Award
- Ken Robert Best Aircraft Award
- Art Gerber Best Military Vehicle Award
- Best Figure Award
- Best Ship Award
- Best Automotive Award
- Best Space or Science Fiction Vehicle Award
- Best Miscellaneous Award
- Best Diorama Award
- Best Gunpla Award
Best Use of an IPMS/USA Convention Special Decal
Is selected by IPMS/USA Past Presidents from among any of the entries in the contest which use a Convention Special Decal. Entrants must sign-up specifically for this special award.
Jim Sage Most Popular Model Award
Is selected by majority vote (by ballot) of the attendees of the convention (registrants and general public attendees).
George Lee Judges Grand Award
Is selected from the Best of Class award recipients, as selected by the NCC Class Head Judges and Chief Judge.
Theme Awards
Will be selected from among any of the entries in the contest which meet the parameters of the designated theme, and as noted by the entrant on their model entry form. See Rule III-F: Entrants must sign up specifically for these special awards. Up to 5 Theme Awards may be designated by the host chapter, approved by IPMS/USA and posted on the convention website along with the Rules and Categories.
Theme awards for 2025 are as follows:
- Best Model, Any scale, related to the evolution of NASA
Dawn of the Atomic Age
- Best model of any NUCLEAR-POWERED platform, nuclear weapons capable platform, or figure related to the atomic age 1945 -1960
Iconic Innovations
- Best Model illustrating evolutionary technological change
250 Years –
- US Navy & Marine Corps - In honor of the Semi-quincentennial of the Navy-Marine Corps Team
Manufacturer or Special Interest Group (SIG) Awards
Can be sponsored/selected by various manufacturers, organizations, and special interest groups. These awards must conform to Rule III-E. Entrants must sign up specifically for these special awards or designate participation on their entry forms if required digitally. Any such awards expected to be announced by IPMS at the Convention or in its Journal magazine must be accompanied by sponsorship of at least one regular category awards package. The screening/selection for these awards is not accomplished by IPMS/USA judging teams; they are selected by the sponsors/sponsors’ selected teams. They will be chosen while the contest room is open to public viewing, and the awards may be placed/presented prior to the awards banquet at the convenience of the sponsor.
The honorariums or named best-of awards have been approved by the NCC for the three year - period of 2025 through 2027, per Rule III-G.